Hate on the Social Media

Hate on the Social Media Platforms | Laws on Hatred

Keywords:- Social Media, Hate on the Social Media, Social Platforms

Author: Kshitij Deshmukh

Spreading hate on the social media is kind of common nowadays. Actually, I don’t know what would be the reason behind it. It may be people are just trying to get attention for themselves, or it may be there are a lot of people out there who are just looking to get amused or they might genuinely hate some people for various reasons. Whatever the reason may be, it is important to understand that spreading hate on the social media is an offence and is against the law.

The following are types of hate that spread rapidly.

  • Communal Hate
  • Racial Hate (Racism)
  • Gender Discrimination
  • Religious Hate
  • Political Propaganda

How does it start?

Hate spreads like a virus on social media, from one person to another, from one country to another and from one continent to another. Hate may be a word which is used very often, but the real thing is more than a word. It is a feeling created in people’s minds by the things posted on social media. People when they open their phone\laptop they are seeing various types of hate, few are even responsible for it. 

Let me explain a few things about social media and hate on the social media. First thing first, Facebook is a platform where people express their views and share information. It is a place where people can express their views and share information. Certain views are not tolerated on Facebook and are removed.

Is Content The Only Reason Behind Hate? 

Most of the time we don’t even care about the content we are seeing. But what if you loved someone who is gay, or straight, or maybe your best friend is making fun of a certain political party. Your reaction probably will be pretty stupid and maybe you will say some hurtful things too. But what about someone who is making fun of your religion, race, or gender.

Social media is a place where people can share their views, content and photos. But sometimes people may share things which are not nice, however nice things may also be shared. It is a place where people express their views and share information. Certain views are not tolerated on social media and are removed.

Laws For Hate Spreading On Social Media:

It is easier to spread hate than love in this society. For 2 years this country has faced much loss in terms of economy, people and jobs. Many people had to suffer a great loss in their families, and some of them are yet to come out of that trauma. At such times, social media was the one that kept everyone together. Through which we could share information, and talk with our friends and family. But few people use it as a weapon. 

In India, it is an offence to publish any material with intent to cause hatred or ill-will or to incite violence or the commission of an offence, against any person or group of persons on account of their religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, caste or community. This offence is punishable with imprisonment of up to three years, or with a fine, or both as per Section 505 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.

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