Article / Psychology

Growth and Development during Adolescence

~ By : Vrinda Gupta


The word ‘adolescence’ comes from the Latin verb adolescere which means ‘to grow’. So, the essence of the word adolescence is growth and it is in this sense that adolescence represents A period of intensive growth and change in nearly all aspects of a child’s physical, mental, social and emotional life. It is a crucial period of one’s life. The growth achieved, the  experience gained, responsibilities felt and the relationships developed at this stage destine the complete future of an individual. 


Emotional development reaches its maximum during adolescence. It is the period of  heightening of all emotions like anxiety, fear,love, anger,etc.once again like an Infant, an  individual experiences emotional instability and intensity during adolescence. The physical  growth and development being maximum, the strength of the boys give them the  opportunity for maximum motor activity.  

Therefore, in the matters of emotional expression and experiences, adolescence provides  the highest peak. At no stage is the child so restless and emotionally perturbed and touchy  as in adolescence. He is too sensitive, inflammable and moody. Adolescence is not  consistent in their emotional expressions. Their emotions fluctuate very frequently and the  current of emotional flow is also very intense. It is very difficult to put a check on the  emotions during the peak of adolescence.  

In fact, during adolescence emotions take their routes into sentiments. Self-consciousness, self-respect and personal Pride Soars. Group loyalty and sentiments of love etc. are  developed making an adolescence sentimental and passionate. What he feels, he feels very  strongly and when he reacts, he reacts vigorously. 


With the development of social and Civic sense, children during a period learn to behave  according to the norms of their society and culture. Also the group sense makes them follow  some moral or ethical code. It prepares a stage of proper moral development. The  formation of strong sentiments during this period intensifies the process of moral  development.  

The character by which we know a person in his life to a great extent is the product of the  experiences gained, complexes formed and sentiments made during this age. The impact of  religion and religious practices is also felt for the first time at this age in one’s life. An  adolescent tries to talk about God and religion. He often engages himself in the discourse 

about philosophical concepts like soul, Brahma,the meaning of life ,the question of death etc. 


The state specific characteristics of adolescence are also very much reflected clearly in their  various personality/behavioural traits like Desire and aspirations, attitudes and self concept.  Here the adolescence differ not only in the shape, dimension and magnitude of these traits  

with respect to the infants and children or adults but also exhibit marked differences in  terms of the motivation and anxiety felt for their fulfillment. 

Adolescent boys and girls may exhibit significant differences in their respective growth and  development. They develop the characteristic features of their respective sizes, physical and  stamina, specific attitude, interests, aesthetic sense, emotional makeup etc. shooting to their  gender needs. 

Adolescence is the age of action. However, adolescence may find themselves many times on  the cross road on account of their age specific characteristics, needs and problems faced by  them for the proper growth and development of their personality. It is the duty of the  parents, teachers, school authorities and members of the society to join their hands for  providing best means and opportunity not only for realising the felt needs of the  adolescence but also for the maximum development of their potentialities in the interest of  themselves and the society.

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