
Depression and Suicides: Cause, Symptoms & Cure

Depression in relation to its link with suicide is especially significant with mental illnesses. One must need to understand that all depression patients don’t need a clinic treatment. Early detection of depression has a great impact on the treatment process with a strong probability of avoiding suicide.

AUTHOR: Dr. Saumya Lal

What is Depression?

Depression is an especially prominent risk factor among the numerous mental illnesses that are strongly linked to suicide. Many people with depression commit suicide without access to mental care or adequate therapy. Many people suffer from depression. Although depressed mood, psychomotor delays, fear and autonomy can be suppressed. Depressed patients typically go to a primary care officer instead of a psychiatrist who complains of several physical symptoms. It is considerably more likely that a person with a mental condition carries out suicide than that with mental competence. Depression in relation to its link with suicide is especially significant with mental illnesses. One must need to understand that all depression patients don’t need a clinic treatment. Early detection of depression has a great impact on the treatment process with a strong probability of avoiding suicide.

The connection between Depression and Suicide

It is much more probable for a mentally ill person to commit suicide than a mentally qualified one. Depression is especially relevant for mental illness in respect to its connection to suicide. The larger the risk, the higher, the bigger; the number of suicides associated with any type of mental disease (such as depression). Still, most of them do not die by themselves with serious depression. Studies suggest that around 5% of depressed individuals can think about suicide – suicidal ideation. Only a small minority of them aim to finish their lives actively. 

Many people have transient ideas about suicide in a lifetime that is typically tough. However, people usually oppose it by thinking that they would lose their loved ones. Such cognitive flexibility is affected by depression, by its very nature. It alters modes of thinking and emotion to prevent individuals who are seeing a route to escape. Escaping out of their current mental condition or from foreseeing a future chance to feel better. Depressed people not only break up their current circumstances but also all the disruptions, losses and relationship failures they have faced. Also, all unfavourable childhood experiences are dragged down by all the negatives even further. Depression also increases pain perception. Suicide is the only option to escape the anguish and mental agony of those with depression.

What is Suicide?

Suicide, some observers say, is not just an effort to terminate one’s own life. Rather it is escaping the mental anguish of unending negative thoughts, to revive the failings and defeats of one’s life. Enduring constant self-recrimination and simply imagining bleakness before the eye. Rejection of any kind—disconnection, the silence of the buddy, social rejection—is one of the toughest experiences that a person can face. It may produce so much emotional anguish that it is more closely associated with the suicide attempts in young people. Studies reveal that when a person suffers rejection. Rejection activates some part of the brain caused due to physical pain.

However, unlike physical pain, psychological anguish may continually pass through the brain. The agony re-events in all its acute emotional intensity every time, when such experiences are recalled. Like sadness in families may give a reason to person to attempt suicide. The danger to take their own lives is high for depressed persons with family members who died of suicide. People with PTSD and despair are more likely to experience suicide and suicide attempts. A trauma history also increases the risk of suicide among depressed people. The use of substances itself is a major risk factor for suicide. It increases the chance of taking a life when accompanied by depression.

Solitude: An essential part

Socially isolated people who have are in depression and have suicidal tendency; solitude becomes an important part. As the mind distinguishes from physical and emotional suffering. Suicide paired with chronic pain and depression or any other chronic condition becomes more riskier. However, the likelihood of women trying suicide is four times higher than the men.

The clearest indicator of suicide is the desire to die. And if suicide is risky, the only way to determine is to inquire. It’s commonly thought, but that’s not the case if someone explicitly asks whether he is thinking about suicide. The individual is probably relieved; he wants to feel better, but he doesn’t know-how. People in desperation provide hints about the risk of suicide as they speak. They speak of no purpose, of feeling at a loss to others or of suffering insupportable anguish. Some conducts signify the danger to isolate oneself, finding the method to terminate one’s life online; to invite or to visit people to say goodbye, to give up their assets. A person can even attempt suicide abruptly.

Suicide Agreements

There have been long-standing anti-suicide pacts between therapists and patients for the prevention of suicide. This may be written or spoken, but patients who are at risk will not hurt themselves or if they ever have thoughts of ending their life, notify the therapist or call an emergency number. Contracts against suicide are not legally binding. It means a written or oral agreement with a person that they would not take a step to end their life.

However, the technicians and other first responders are widespread. A line of employment associated with particularly high suicide rates, who are more frequent among the families and friends of all suicidal people. Effective suicide agreements — in writing, in signature and date, copied and stored in an accessible area by each side — are tangible and enable a person to act. They do not only state that a person does not die via suicide. It also lists numbers to contact when the therapist or the family member or friend is at urgent risk.


You could require outpatient therapy if you have suicidal thoughts, but are not in a crisis.

Through this treatment:

  • Psychotherapy: You examine factors that make you feel suicidal and acquire methods to regulate emotional effectiveness in psychotherapy; which you also call psychological counsels or talk therapy. Together with your therapist, you can establish a treatment plan and goals.
  • Medications: Mental medication, anti-anxiety drugs, antidepressants and other medicines may assist lessen symptoms and make them feel less suicidal. Antidepressants may also help to reduce symptoms.
  • Addiction therapy: Detoxification, addiction treatment programs and self-help group sessions may involve drug or alcohol therapy.
  • Education and family assistance: You may be both a source of support and conflict for your loved ones. Treatment can assist people to comprehend what they are undergoing, increase their ability to cope and improve communications and connections with their families.


It may be hard and tiring to support a loved one who is chronically suicidal. Resolving their problem may be frightening and you may be feeling helpless. Make sure that you have the suicide prevention resources so that you have knowledge and instruments to take action.

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