Delhi Pollution At Its Peak | Suggestive Solutions To Curb
Author – Ekta Sharma
Delhi is facing a high degree of pollution where schools have been closed once again. Breathlessness cases are at their peak . Now the question arises that what’s the permanent solution for it? Doesn’t it look like a tradition nowadays ? That at end of every year Delhi and neighbouring states face such kind of pollution. Are we going in the right direction? Well, I don’t think so, I have seen a Delhi government advertisement on 3 pages of a newspaper. Is it the right way to make people act?
‘Light On – Car Off’ is a new policy implemented in Delhi in order to curb the Delhi pollution, with this, some more policies like promoting CNG, and odd-even policies which sound nice but are not enough to curb the pollution.
AQI ( Air Quality Index) PM 2.5 is 310, which is deemed as hazardous for common people and even animals too.
Now under this scenario of pollution Delhi government-organized programs of Tirth yatra for old people yes indeed it is a good initiative but under this COVID and pollution situation, is it actually a good idea? Isn’t it harmful for them, this is the time where government should focus upon current issues.
However it’s not only the Government that is to be blamed. People themselves are responsible for such miserable condition of their living environment. We have seen fresh air, rainbow, animals on street and some endangered species at lockdown time when everything was shut but after the reopening of Economy again people proved that they can’t digest pure air and freshwater.
Current Situation
The condition has so worsened that it generates itching in the eyes, sometimes leading to eyes pain as the harmful components of pollution affect the eyes and skin. Along with it breathlessness, Asthama, bronchitis, hypertension, insomnia are are also at rise.
Suggestive Measures
I would like to put forth some solutions for this growing issue. Its not that the government should focus on only one issue, of course, it is a broadened composition so focusing on one will not be worth but the Government should atleast pay some effective heed. They may try to reach out to the youth for help.
- The government should take a policy of ‘Plant and Curb’ in which it will be the responsibility of people to support the government by planting trees.
- Most importantly, there is a need to find out the solution of Paralli burning. Some alternative measures can be taken in that regard such as
- Water flowing of parali,
- Decomposition of parali.
- Putting it to alternative use by Governmental help.
- Along With this I think people can themselves contribute for a healthy Nation using certain simple measures such as;
- Use of CNG instead of regular combustion fuel that creates more pollution.
- Promotion of use of Bicycles, which will help to make you fit too. As I am concerned with this I remember that people feel ashamed to use the normal bicycle because they set a class, standard and position in Their mind which is also affecting them if you are one of them I would like to request you to just break this kind of mentality and there is no harm in bicycle even it is cool to use which make you fit and polluting free.
- I think we the people can set an example for the rest of the world so let’s start an initiative and support each others.