Climate Crisis in India | Its Impact on India’s Economy
Keywords: Climate Crisis, Climate Change, WHO, resources, Indian economy
Author: Ishita Sachdeva
The rise in global warming is a big threat to the nation. The Climate crisis is the crisis of the present time and its impacts continue to escalate at unprecedented speed. It threatens our food and water security. Increases the occurrence of extreme weather conditions. Resulting in the occurrence of natural disasters frequently like earthquakes, tsunamis etc.
The term ‘climate crisis’ is a widely used term to emphasize the urgency of climate change. And to call for bold and collective action to halt and reverse its impacts.
The planet on which we are living is in danger and we are just watching it. Human is a threat to the planet because we, humans, are only responsible for what’s happening in society. Do you switch off the light when not in use? Do you close the tap while brushing? The answer is a big NO.
Because we all do these things which leads to wastage of the natural resources that are gifted to us by God, but we don’t value them enough. One day without water or electricity, along with a kick of scorching heat outside, sounds not so good, right? So, if we know that we cannot survive without these resources, then we should save these and use them responsibly.
Respect these resources, then only they will respect you.
Use the resources carefully then only you will be able to use them for a longer period of time and also save them for our future generations.
In our daily lives, we deplete these resources unintentionally which results in big changes in the environment. We use ACs these days, they provide cool air to us but they release hot air in the environment which increases global warming. ‘Small things lead to a big change’, but these small things may lead to a change which is not good for this world. So we should always be responsible and use the resources carefully.
Climate change affects the social and environmental determinants of health, which are clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and a secure shelter.
According to the World Health Organization, the direct damage costs to health (i.e. excluding costs in health-determining sectors such as agriculture and water and sanitation), are estimated to be between USD 2-4 billion/year by 2030.
The areas with weak health infrastructure, mostly in developing countries, will not be able to cope without assistance to prepare and respond.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has also commented on the situation by saying that to avert catastrophic health and prevent millions of people’s lives which are in danger due to climate change. It also said that the world must limit temperature rise to 1.5° C. Past emissions have already made a certain level of global temperature rise and other changes to the climate inevitable. WHO also said, “ global heating of even 1.5°C is not considered safe. However, every additional tenth of a degree of warming will take a serious toll on people’s lives and health.
On this World Health Day (April 7, 2022), World Health Organization (WHO) issued an urgent call for accelerated action by leaders and all people to preserve and protect health and mitigate the climate crisis as part of an, ‘Our planet, our health’ campaign marking the organization’s founding day, which falls at a time of heightened conflict and fragility.
WHO notes that 99% of people breathe unhealthy and impure air, which comes from burning fossil fuels. A heating world is seeing mosquitoes spread their diseases faster than ever before. Pollution and plastics are found everywhere these days, through which humans and animals, both are affected. Sometimes, if the plastic bag is lying on the road, cows eat those and get sick, and if it is lying in the water, fishes eat those. Plastic is another word for poison, which is not only harmful to our health but also for our environment. Systems that produce highly processed, unhealthy foods and beverages are driving a wave of obesity, increase in blood pressure, heart diseases and many more. This health and social crisis is compromising people’s ability to take control of their health and lives.
Through its World Health Day Campaign. WHO is calling on governments, organizations, corporations and citizens to share actions they are taking to protect the planet and human health.
Coming to the impact on our nation, India. A 2019 study by Stanford University showed that India’s economy is 31% smaller than it would have been in the absence of global warming. At the forefront of these risks are farmers in North Indian states like Punjab and Haryana. Crop yields will decline by 15 to 17 per cent for every two degrees centigrade increase in temperature.
To combat some of these risks, the Indian Government aims to have around 33 percent of tree cover by 2030. In 2020, the tree cover stood at about 24 percent. Out of this, about 22 percent were from government-controlled forests. While around 2 percent came from agroforestry farming practices that incorporate trees among the crops. These trees will provide farmers with bonus income. As well as restore biodiversity in their farms through a variety of trees such as timber, fruits, flowers, herbs and shrubs.
If we are not able to find our pen, we get a new one. But if we are not able to save our planet then there is no other planet which will provide us with shelter and all the other resources which we are using. We should respect what God has given us and along with that use it responsibly.
This planet earth has given so much to us, and in return can’t we do a little favour to it?
Someone correctly said that precaution is better than cure. So in real life too we should follow the measures to save our India. Our Earth is such that we could escape from a big disaster. It’s now or never, our little efforts can bring a good change, and the right time to do this is now.
If you don’t want any other planet in exchange,
Then be the change.
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