Challenges of Internal Security In India
Keywords – Internal Security, External security, security challenges, India, Communalism, Naxalism, Maoism, Regional and inter state disputes, Border management
One of the most important parts of governance is a state’s internal security. It covers citizen protection, the maintenance of law and order, economic growth and development, the defence of national authority, and the preservation of democracy. Internal security is crucial for the safety and well-being of citizens, the peace and security of the state, and the growth and progress of the country.
India faces lots of Internal and External security challenges. So what are the Security challenges India faces? Okay let’s dive in. India faces the International terrorism and Domestic terrorism, J&K militancy and terrorism, Disturbance from north east India, Communalism, Naxalism, Maoism, Regional and inter state disputes, Border management and Fresh one Cyber Crime & Cyber Security. Well these are the internal Security challenges.
Before knowing the challanges lets know the importance of internal security-
The Importance Of Internal Security
Citizens’ Protection- Internal security measures are being taken to protect citizens from a variety of threats, including terrorism, criminal groups, cyber attacks, and disasters. A safe environment allows people to live and work without fear of danger. The government is responsible for ensuring that its residents are safe and that their homes and assets are secure. Internal security measures such as police patrols, surveillance cameras, and rescue teams are critical to ensuring the safety and security of citizens.
Economic Development and Growth – Economic expansion and advancement require a secure environment. It promotes entrepreneurship and innovation while attracting international investment. Businesses cannot function efficiently unless they operate in a stable and safe environment. Investors are more likely to put their money into a country with a stable political atmosphere, a low crime rate, and a strong legal system. Border control, customs implementation, and anti-corruption efforts are essential for economic growth and development.
Nation-wide Protection – Internal security measures secure a state’s sovereignty by preventing external forces from intervening in its affairs. It also ensures the security of the state’s borders and the protection of its population from foreign dangers. Internal insecurity makes a state prone to outside forces such as terrorism, espionage, and cyber strikes. Internal security measures such as intelligence collecting, border control, and military preparedness are critical for maintaining the nation’s integrity.
Democracy Preservation – Internal safety precautions are crucial for democracy’s survival. They make sure elections are open to everyone and that citizens can vote without fear of violence or influence. Citizens in a democratic society have the right to voice their opinions, participate in political processes, and hold their leaders accountable. Internal security measures like as press freedom, human rights protection, and the rule of law are critical for the survival of democracy.
Challanges To Internal Security
- CyberSecurity – India faces a number of issues in protecting internal security, especially in the digital domain. Cyber threats, such as ransomware, data breaches, and phishing attacks have grown in the country. The government has responded by implementing several cybersecurity efforts, like as the National Cyber Security Policy and the Cyber Swachhta Kendra. One issue is the scarcity of trained security personnel. The shortage of cybersecurity expertise in India makes it difficult for organisations to properly safeguard themselves against cyber threats. Even in this pandemic these crime rates reports massive increases. Social media also plays important role in Leaking and breaching the Privacy and Confidential information. Hacking,Honeytraps and marital scams with militants and Army personnel get rapid growth in these times but main concern is that these crime are not easily traceable and punishable in India.
- J&K issue – People from J&k Struggling with their lifes from very Independent and even now nothing changes and now Article 370 abrogated but even this decision face huge backlash from J&K Politics itself. Now Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrange meeting and confrence to make J&K more involved.
- Now we should look into the disturbance in the North East, as we have seen Disturbance from the chinese sides too, galwan Valley incidents are the turu example of Disturbance from the Chinese Borders also protest from local citizens leads internal disturbances also give the spaces to International Terrorism.
- Border management is Constant issue of India from Pakistan, China and Nepal.India faces territorial issue of land and Marine both. Relations between India and China have been worsening in recent months. The two world powers are facing off against each other along their disputed border in the Himalayan region while India vs Pak Land issue are Constant since the time of independence.
- Terror Funding- Terrorists and terrorist organisations frequently exploit any source of money they can get their hands on to fund themselves. This can include distributing narcotics and black market oil. The internet is a developing modern method of terrorist financing since it may safeguard the donor and recipient’s identity.Terrorist organisations utilise propaganda to gain financial support from people who support them. Through money laundering, monies may also come from an unlawful source but appear to come from a legal source. Most countries have introduced counter-terrorism financing (CTF) measures, generally as part of their anti-money laundering legislation.All these internal Security challenges are not new and can’t resolve in Just quick years also India needs a permanent solution of these challenges with possible awareness
- Illegal Migration- Because of the socio-political tensions it has caused, illegal migration has become the most volatile and sensitive topic in Indian politics today. Illegal migration occurs when people across national borders in a way that violates the destination country’s immigration regulations. Bangladeshi illegal immigration from the east has affected the demographics of the northeast, particularly Assam. Recently, there has been an inflow of Rohingyas who are facing imprisonment in Myanmar. Targeted religious minorities from Pakistan and Afghanistan have mostly entered India through the northern borders. It has frequently posed a security danger to India, particularly in Kashmir, where militants enter via the Line of Control.
To Conclude, India’s internal security concerns are complicated as well as diversified. The digital environment brings unique problems that necessitate preventative measures to safeguard citizens’ safety and security. While the government has taken steps to improve security, there are still a number of issues that must be addressed. To effectively tackle crime, more coordination between different government departments and law enforcement organisations is required. In order to overcome these difficulties, numerous actors must work together to ensure that the required resources and skills are accessible. Finally, increased international collaboration is required to effectively tackle cyber threats. We can build effective strategies and solutions that protect citizens from threats by working together.
Written By – Shivangi Yadav
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