Locker Room

Boys Locker Room: A blend of racism and manifested misanthrope?

Author : Hemalatha

“Just pass by it,” “Avoid things,” “It is usual, don’t make a fuss out of it!”, “You must be more cautious and alert,” and obviously “Men will be Men” description. Those are some of the speeches and advises that a societal norm teaches a woman. At one point in life, she would have been ogled or gawked at, exposed to voluptuous embodiment, inapt conduct, bigotry(sexism) or lewdness. The community and the custodians of civic ethics are declaring verdicts for a woman later then, persistently! Believing its 2021 and picking up the right to state that the way we receive women has transformed and that the society we exist in has reformed into a better room for women, we are thwacked with the “Bois locker room”.

For the ignorant, an Instagram guys group chat under the name “Bois locker room” had a bunch of guys in their teens from various institutions, sharing obnoxious images of women including images of young girls. Passing remarks about their figure and supposedly having plans of assaulting them were some of the jokes shared! When these messages went fervid on social platforms, few participants of the group chat were incensed and began to retaliate themselves. The leftovers began to shove their manliness by revenge on the women for devastating their stature. Did it have an end? No, not that easy! A brand-new season named Bois locker room 2.0 which was a private page arrived. Those messages and remarks were a mere menacing display of Chauvinism! But what made us get here? Because the society we exist in, orders men to accept that this is tolerable? It was just a joke, right? Several users of social media really protected those jokes stating they were just casual talks and wasn’t harming the girls though! If you are one of them thinking that these jokes were funny, then Congrats! you are fairly accountable for conciliating the rape customs.

Many parents asked their children to remove or deactivate their social media handles after the Bois locker room episode caught the lime-light. Can it get any messy? I am certain that a lot of other girls made their Instagram accounts private which reveals how dark our society is! Visualizing a woman not able to share a photograph without the anxiety of slut-shaming and bombarding her with bitter remarks loaded with misogyny, I think this society sees a bright future! This incident just revealed only rapes count as a big deal. Chauvinism starts at ours homes and the rape customs have deeper roots than we imagine. This benign society has started accepting rape culture and noxious machoism that people from well sophisticated families flagrantly converse about assaulting women and sack it up as just a guys talk. It’s high time we acknowledge this and try constructing rules not for women but for the society!

While discussing this episode, let’s also converse over women who are entitled and accept noxious maleness. To all those women who are exposed to benign taming, who literally pulled their fellow women down; who slut-shamed other women by calling them out with names; who rumoured about other women; who walled men by building excuses; who puffed up and encouraged this attitude, a big round of shame to you! This proves that the manifested chauvinism and sexism exceeds gender. The women shielding the locker room episode stating that women too materialize men; To answer your query, two wrongs don’t make a right! You are just employing liability and culpability again, fluctuating from the need of the hour.

Open cases of bigotry are dominant at our homes, workspots and in other educational institutions. There is an instant prerequisite to punch down this benign stature which perceives women as a feebler gender and sets a man in place of power. The dynamics of presenting a woman her right position needs to be smashed. Sex education in educational institutions helps in breaking gender-based taboos. Just talking or laughing-out doesn’t bloom a change. Parents, institutes and universities must begin to teach kids about gender mainstreaming (sensitivity). The need of the hour is to begin penalizing noxiousness and exalt empathy. Parents must accept realism and have correct discussions with their male child to aid them shape a moral and correct understanding. It is the right time we tell our boys who are especially in teens, to be reverent towards women. It is high time we halt saying Men will be Men and start to bloom a change!

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