Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing
keywords – Artificial Intelligence, AI, Digital Marketing, Business, Social Media
Artificial Intelligence (AI), on seeing the word some of us may think something newly introduced in this world. But actually we are using AI products daily in our life. Smart TV, smartphones, Alexa, google, Facebook, Instagram, etc. are some examples for AI used in our life. Digital marketing is one of the mainly used marketing strategies today. Everything has changed in this digital world. Marketing field is not an exception for adopting into the new world. In order, to develop the business and to increase the sales digital marketing is necessary. Artificial intelligence makes digital marketing more successful. With less time consumption and low cost, it runs the campaigns and makes audience to buy the product. The campaigns are showed only for the required customer.
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Artificial intelligence is making machines to act and think like a human being. In AI marketing, artificial intelligence is used to take automated decision based on the data collected, data analysis, observing audience and economic trends that may impact marketing. AI is mostly used in digital marketing to increase the speed of analysis. It takes decision within few hours after collecting and analyzing data. AI has changed the way of branding product to the customers and running the campaigns.
Digital Marketing
Digital marketing has become one of the most essential ways to succeed in a business. Now all companies and businesses have started to promote their products using social media, Facebook, Instagram, amazon, etc. Digital marketing has influenced from small vendors to organizations to promote their product.
Need For Artificial intelligence in digital marketing
To be a successful business man one needs to be equipped with latest and updated information. All these needs to work hard and takes more time. Collecting information daily in person and then analyzing is a tedious work. AI helps in doing all these tasks more efficiently. Let us see why AI is needed in digital marketing?
To Reach Target Audience
AI gets the information from the social media and search engines about the user searches. Based on the information, AI displays the ad of the product to the particular audience. For example, if a person searches mostly related to car. AI analyses the data collected from the search engines and finds, the user is interested in buying car. Then AI displays the ad related to car to the user when he uses Facebook, google or any other sites. Thus, AI helps to reach the targeted audience.
Time Consumption and Cost Effective
In the previous example, we have seen that the data collection and analysis are done by AI. If the same work is done by humans, it needs 1 or 2 days to analyze the data and needs 2 or 3 persons. But the work is done in few hours by AI. So the time is consumed and no need for anyone to work for more hours. It reduces the cost spend for data analysis.
Smart and Fast Decision maker
In digital marketing, the conversion rates of campaign are collected at the end and then the performance is analyzed. If AI is used, no need to wait till end. AI helps to collect the real time data and the decision can be taken at any time regarding changes in the campaign. The real time data taken is smart and fast to take a decision.
To Automate
Using AI, all the tasks in marketing has become automated. Email ads, Pay-Per-Click, sending emails, keyword search, social media search, search engine optimization etc., are automated which makes marketing effective and accurate. AI helps the marketers to understand the campaigns that are engaging the users. Email automation helps business to increase customer engagement and email open rate. Also helps in creating attractive subject lines which makes users to click and open the email.
Helps To Reduce Errors
Humans are tending to make mistakes. AI doesn’t make any mistakes. While using AI, the targeted audience are identified accurately. The titles of the ad and keywords are searched and analyzed in AI before using.
Provides Data Security
AI provides data security for the data collected. Safeguarding the collected information is a problem faced by many companies. When using AI, no need to worry about data.
To Increase Personalization
AI helps to make marketing more personalized in many ways. For example, ecommerce businesses like to send mobile friendly push notifications. These notifications are based on the customer views or what they exactly want from the particular brand. To send each customer with their own brand messages can be done easily through AI.
Digital Marketing in Future
AI is used everywhere in the world. Digital marketing with AI provides best service to their customers in future.
Personalized Marketing
Personalized marketing can be achieved using AI algorithms. People would like to know about the product what they want. With AI, the customer needs are known from collecting data from their social media activity. This helps to do marketing in more personalized way. Companies also invest only for the customer who needs their products.
More Effective Customer Support
Customer support will be more engaged and personalized. Chatbots are used to provide customer support 24×7 (24 hours, 7 days). Customer can clarify their queries at anytime. Chatbots are able to handle the questions raised by customer, information regarding the new products, uses and services provided.
Improves Product Searching
Product searching and recommendation will be more accurate. Searching can be done using voice. In google, already we have voice search and use of voice search has increased nowadays. Many companies started to experiment the reality to improve their customers buying experience.
Improved Data Processing and Analysis
AI uses machine learning algorithms to collect large volume of data in less time but human take more time for collecting and handling. It handles the large data and analysis more accurately for digital marketing.
AI in digital marketing is going to lead the marketing industry in future. AI helps marketers to become more effective by performing tasks efficiently. Businesses can easily reach their targeted customer with discounts, cash back and new launches. AI is going to rule the marketing industry in future.
Written By- Jaya Ambika
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