Electric Vehicles

Are Electric Vehicles more harmful to the Environment?

Keywords:- Electric Vehicles, environment, maintenance, greenhouse, government, global warming, petrol, diesel, alternative, fuel vehicles

With the depletion of the earth’s ozone layer and the shortage of our oil supply becoming an issue, researchers developed electronic cars as an alternative to fuel vehicles.
As the growing pollution has become a serious concern, electric cars are quite a relief. And, according to the research, electric cars are better for the environment. Whereas, the fuel vehicle emits harmful gases like carbon due to petrol or diesel. But, electric vehicles produce fewer greenhouse gases and air pollution than petrol.


All-electric vehicles, also referred to as battery electrical vehicles (BEVs), have an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine.
The vehicle uses a large traction battery pack to power the electric motor and must be plugged into a wall outlet or charging equipment, also called electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).

Why One Should Use Electric Vehicles?

  • Environment Friendly: Its environmental friendliness as compared to gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles.
  • Lower Running Costs: The running cost of an electric vehicle is much lower than an equivalent petrol or diesel vehicle. Electric vehicles use electricity to charge their batteries instead of using fossil fuels like petrol or diesel.
  • Low Maintenance Cost: Electric vehicles have very low maintenance costs because they don’t have as many moving parts as an internal combustion vehicle.
  • Zero Tailpipe Emissions: Driving an electric vehicle can help you reduce your carbon footprint because there will be zero tailpipe emissions.
  • Tax and Financial Benefits: Registration fees and road tax on purchasing electric vehicles are lesser than petrol or diesel vehicles. There are multiple policies and incentives offered by the government.
  • No Noise Pollution: Electric vehicles have the silent functioning capability as there is no engine under the hood. No engine means no noise.

Electrical Vehicle Incentives By Government

  • Purchase Incentives: Direct discount provided to the user on the cost of the electric vehicle
  • Coupons: Financial incentive where the amount is reimbursed later
  • Interest Subventions: Discount offered on the interest rate while availing loan
  • Road Tax Exemption: Road tax at the time of purchase is waived off
  • Registration Fee Exemption: One-time registration fee applicable on new vehicle purchase is waived off
  • Income Tax Benefit: Provided as a deduction on the tax amount payable by an individual to the government.
  • Scrapping Incentives: Provided upon de-registering old Petrol and Diesel Vehicles
  • Others: Incentives such as interest-free loans, top-up subsidies, special incentives on electric three-wheelers, etc. can also be availed Companies producing electric vehicles-
    • Tesla
    • Lucid Motor
    • Zoox
    • Aptiv
    • Rivian
    • NIO
    • Nissan
    • Volvo

But here is something new. The companies are not marketing electric cars as economically friendly as the batteries that are used to electric power vehicles are not really eco-friendly.
The disposal of these batteries also damages the environment to a great extent. This is because these batteries contain a large amount of plastic which is not really biodegradable. According to new research, Electric cars might pollute much more than petrol or diesel-powered cars.

Harmful Effects Of Electric Vehicles

  1. Production Phase: The production phase of electric vehicles proved substantially more environmentally intensive, comparing it to how petrol and diesel cars are made.
  2. Global Warming: The raw materials for making the car have to be mined, and the process of mining creates a lot of greenhouse gases. Then the raw materials have to be refined before they can be used, which again emits more greenhouse gas. The more greenhouse gas is emitted in the manufacturing process. The global warming potential from electric vehicle production is about twice that of conventional vehicles.
  3. Toxic Minerals: Producing batteries and electric motors requires a lot of toxic minerals such as nickel, copper and aluminium.
  4. Working: Electric vehicles consistently perform worse or on par with modern internal combustion engine vehicles, despite virtually zero direct emissions during operation.


Electronic vehicles are an essential strategy in the immediate term to reduce local emissions and help improve local air quality.
BUT Electric cars are coal-powered cars. Their carbon emissions can be worse than gasoline-powered cars. Electric cars aren’t pollution-free; they have to get their energy from somewhere.

Author: Tanishka Ranjan

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