Animal Cruelty – Forgotten Humanity
All living things have a right to live on this planet but humans often become insensitive towards their pain just because animal can’t speak the language of humans, they can’t communicate their griefs with us.
When God created the universe he must’ve had a specific purpose for all living creatures and he did so to strike a balance in his creation. He wanted a world where harmony and peace prevailed so he made a food chain which maintains the ecological balance in nature but man in his greed has recklessly been plundering the natural abode of animals.
Animals are not only killed for food pleasure but their skin and other body parts are also used for making leather accessories , clothes and other decorative purposes. Animal cruelty however doesn’t end there, animals are not only killed but also abused in many ways. The use of animal in the circuses, animals are subjected to hostility and cruelty to be used in circuses, during the circus training period. Animal cruelty has long been an issue with art form of film making. Most of the movies use animals to accomplish harsh and devilish scenes, for instance, two dogs fighting mercilessly or bull fighting, during which the harm caused to the animals is paid no heed.
Such practices and acts are no joke. This is not only the display of inhuman behaviour but an exploitation of animals.
Animal husbandry and poultry farming ideally refers to feeding, breeding and controlling the diseases in animals to raise a large number of healthy off springs but nowadays female cows and pigs are routinely raped, their bodies are violated through artificial insemination. Cows produce milk for the same reason that humans do to nourish their young ones. In order to produce larger quantity of milk, farmers typically impregnate cow every year using a device that the industry calls a ‘rape rack’. Calves are also torn away from their mothers shortly after birth, which causes both mother and baby extreme distress. Not only cows and pigs, but for hens also the cruelty included molesting and forcibly impregnating hens with the same syringe, cutting of chick’s beaks with searing -hot blades, and packing a large number of birds in a single cage such that they could hardly move.
It has been suggested a large number of animals are hunted, kept as companions used in laboratories, reared for the industry, raced and used in zoos circuses, warfare, bullfighting, TV and film making and most of the animals are abused in the name of cultural rites. As the Muslim population in the country gears up for celebrating Eid-al-Adha, the Islamic festival of sacrifice popularly known as ‘Bakri Eid’. What are they doing? They are abusing animals in the name of rituals.
The torture and cruelty, these dumb animals have to go through, while research is carried out on them, is a well known fact. I don’t mean that all research should be stopped but if an animal is in pain it should be put to death rather than just leaving it live, for animals too feel pain, moreover we can also ensure that they are looked after well.
Animal Cruelty cases are increasing day by day. Every year more than lakhs of animals are killed, abused, raped or abandoned.
The whole World has been suffering from coronavirus. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare today notified that in India 7.9 people per lakh have been affected by COVID-19 till date, while 62 people per lakh in the total population are infected by the disease across the globe. The coronavirus pandemic is the result of deforestation, uncontrolled expansion of agriculture, intensive farming, mining and infrastructure development as well as the exploitation of wild species have created a perfect storm. The single species responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic is the ‘Human Society’.
Even in times of a global crisis, we again failed to be human! After doing so much harm to our ecological system this Human society is still not stopping. Recently a pregnant elephant was found dead after the locals fed her pineapple stuffed with crackers, in Kerala. To kill an innocent animal, moreover a pregnant animal, how can it be hilarious to some? , it’s a heinous crime. Another shameful act of human cruelty. It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal.
The State of Kerala tops in the Indian literacy index however if people lack basic morals and humanity in them, education can’t serve any good.
Another instance of sabotaging a pregnant stray dog that was beaten up with a rod by a woman and few others in the Odisha capital has died, as has one of the two puppies that veterinarians had to pull out before time as the mother was no longer in a position to give birth. This act of humans proved that we are sabotaging the humanities too.
Dogs are poisoned, cows are burned with acid by vegetable sellers and countless other animals in India are abused every day and the current penalties are often not enough to deter people who want to harm them.
These negligent road accidents, animal hunts, animal beating, animal selling, abusing we should now stop doing more harm to these innocent creatures. For them we are not actually killing them we are killing the humanity within ourselves.
We do have laws that deals with animal cruelty. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960 which says that cruelty to animals is an offence and is punishable with a fine which shall not be less than ten thousand rupees which may extend to twenty five thousands rupees or with fine which shall not be less than two years. But because of indulgent laws people take these laws leniently. There should be stricter laws against animal cruelty.
At the end all I want to say is, please be kind to animals. Animals have feelings too. Animals have greater emotions, those emotions that humans feel. We should feed animals, we should help them in any possible way.