Impact of Social Networking Sites on the Younger Generation
Keywords: Social Networking Sites, Young Generation, Misguidance, Informative
Written By: Ashi Dubey
Social networking sites are a topic for discussion for a long time because they have various impacts on our younger generation. It proves both harmful and useful for them but due to some misguidance, the younger generation ruins their life and gets involved in social media deeply. It is the responsibility of both the parents and kids to look after their activities. Because it is very important that you make your decision sensibly according to your comfort not just take a decision because your peers do the same. We shall keep in mind that social networking sites should be used in limit so that it helps us to grow rather than to destroy us.
Social networking sites have become a trend in the market, in society and in our homes as well. To understand the impact of social networking sites on the younger generation first we have to understand, what are social networking sites? Social networking sites are basically online platforms where we interact with lots of new and known people not in person but virtually. It is a platform on which people build a relationship with other people of the same interests. Nowadays it becomes compulsory to be active on social networking sites. Otherwise, you will be considered an outdated person or a person who is not going with time and does not know anything about technology.
Social Networking Sites have a great impact on Younger Generation which can either be positive or negative; so one needs to understand it properly and deeply:-
Advantages of Social Networking Sites
- As we know in this modern era everybody wants to achieve success. Because of this, all are running to achieve their goals. So no one has time for each other but these social networking sites gives us a platform where we fulfil our loneliness. By interacting with people of the same interest and same kind of ideologies.
- Social networking sites give us a stage to showcase our talent or fulfil our dreams. Since social media, provides a platform to showcase our talent and our interest through which we get the chance to do something good apart from our studies.
- The sites also give employment to many people. Becoming a source of income for many younger population due to which they manage their expenses on their own. They become self-dependent now.
- If we talk about this pandemic period, social networking sites play a major role in the life of young generation. It becomes the only source of interaction with peers, friends, teachers or with their mentors. It helps us in our crucial time. Although nowadays it is a necessity to be on social media because of digitalization and modernization of our Indian society.
- Social networking sites give us a variety of options in life to choose our carrier-related lines. It offers experienced mentors from all over the world to guide us in the right direction. Because of the proper guidance and right advice we move one step closer to our aim. Since choosing the right path for achieving our goal is the first step toward our success.
Disadvantages of social networking sites:-
- Social networking sites create craziness in the younger generation. They are always ready to do anything for following the latest trend whether they are interested in that trend or not but they will definitely do that because their friends do it. They do so under peer pressure, a pressure which has affected them and their mind so deeply that they are ready to do anything for that useless trend. In this pressure, they don’t care about their parents, their families and most importantly they don’t care about their own wishes. They just want to do the same as done by their peers.
- Due to these social networking sites, students spoil their carrier on their own, they are not interested in books anymore. They eat with their phones, they sleep with their phones, they wake up with their phones. They can not live without their phone for a single minute. Because of the new features, new trends of reels, memes, status, DP all these things attract them. The whole time of the young kids are spent on social media, they even don’t care about their parents or their dreams.
- Social networking sites take the place of parents and relatives, for children their well-wisher is either their friends or their social media. They don’t share anything with their parents and they even land up doing something wrong; which may prove hazardous for their life as well as for their families. Staying with the wrong company they adopt bad habits like smoking, drinking, and driving fastly without following rules. Because at such an age these things look cool to them and they are smart enough to do these things.
- After involving in these activities, their study is affected adversely. Some children go into depression and also commit suicide to prevent themselves from society.
- Excessive use of social networking sites will create harmful effects on the brain of the younger generation. The rays coming out from the phone will affect our nervous system due to which we lose our concentration. Causing many more harmful diseases. It also causes a harmful impact on our heart and eyes as well. Because rays are affecting us so much due to continuous usage of these sites.
Everything that exists in this beautiful universe has two phases, good or bad. But it is up to you to decide whether you will take the right path to move closer to your dream and make your parents proud; or be involved in mischievous activities and follow the wrong path crushing yourselves, and making your parents sad. We are human beings we commit mistakes but we also have the brains to correct our mistakes. And learn from others’ mistakes by not repeating them in our life.
The younger generation is the future of the nation; one needs to be sensible in deciding what is bad and what is good for you. Otherwise, you may not be able to become successful but with determination, you will definitely make your dreams come true. The networking sites are not bad platforms but it is our mistake that we don’t use them to a limit or in a proper way. Because excess of anything is bad for our health. If before using the social networking sites we pre-plan in our mind that we’ll use this only for a specific period of time; and make sure that you use them productively so that the precious time that you give to these sites will give you benefits. Later in this way, you will enjoy yourself and your time will also be not wasted at all.
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