
Are Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinics in Delhi working efficiently?

Keywords-  Clinic, working, Delhi government, pharmacy  

Author: Dr. Shruti

Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinics (AAMCs) was established by Aam Aadmi Party, Delhi Government in the year 2015. These are also called Mohalla clinics. The first clinic was set up in Peeragarhi in July 2015. Government has plans to open 1000 clinics by the year 2020 but so far around 50% has been achieved. The main idea to open these clinics was to make healthcare accessible and free of cost for all. These provide essential services such as consultation, diagnostics, and medicine at no cost at all. The goal behind this initiative is to reduce the OOPE (out-of-pocket-expenditure) as many studies in the literature have shown that only 17% of people are covered with any kind of health insurance in a country in India

Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinics (AAMCs) was established by Aam Aadmi Party, Delhi Government in the year 2015. These are also called Mohalla clinics. The first clinic was set up in Peeragarhi in July 2015. Government has plans to open 1000 clinics by the year 2020 but so far around 50% has been achieved. The main idea to open these clinics was to make healthcare accessible and free of cost for all. These provide essential services such as consultation, diagnostics, and medicine at no cost at all. The goal behind this initiative is to reduce the OOPE (out-of-pocket-expenditure) as many studies in the literature have shown that only 17% of people are covered with any kind of health insurance in a country in India. WHO data shows that more than 65% of the population pays for their health ailments from their pockets only. India ranks 145 out of 195 countries in the aspect of access and quality of healthcare as per the GBD (Global Burden of Disease) study. India is very behind in the race of getting accessible and effective healthcare services. This initiative of Mohalla clinics was appreciated globally as well as nationally. Many cities like Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh have also opened clinics with the name Basti Dawakhana, Atal Clinics, Janta Clinics, and Sanjeevni Clinics respectively. Other states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Karnataka are also planning to set up Mohalla clinics like Delhi.

Accessible – They operate from 8 am to 2 pm every day.

Availability – If the target is achieved of establishing 1000 clinics, traveling time will be much less to even 2 km which is 2.5 to 3 km as of now.

Staff – These clinics have a doctor, a pharmacist, a lab technician, an ANM (auxiliary nurse midwife), and a multitasking staff for maintaining hygiene and performing clerical work.

Facilities – It has facilities of cold storage, bp machines, testing kits, etc.

Daily footfall – As the services offered are at no cost, these clinics attract many patients. It has been recorded that the daily footfall of patients is 684 a day. 

Medicines – They provide the essential medicine at no cost. It included a list of 109 essential medicines.

Record keeping – Personnel working there maintain the records of the patient coming to clinics every day.

Ambulance services – Currently these clinics don’t serve the emergency services,

Diagnostic tests – These clinics provide testing of blood, urine, pregnancy and stool examination, etc. Aadhar cards are a must for consultations and tests to be done.

Unqualified medical professionals – These are also called quacks. They usually fool people who are illiterate or have less knowledge. Studies have shown that establishment of these clinics has reduced the footfalls of the patient to quacks. 

To answer the question if Mohalla Clinics are working efficiently or not is a bit tricky as at some places these clinics are considered as a boon for the population around it but for some places it is just another home for stray dogs or no less than a toilet. 

If we consider it as a boon-

  • More accessible.
  • More affordable for lower-income population.
  • They are giving attention to their health as previously because of traveling they used to ignore their health.
  • Medicine at no cost.
  • Tests at no cost even expensive scans like MRI can also be done.
  • Trained doctor consultation.
  • They can consult and visit a number of times they want.
  • Laborers can also visit as the opening hours are between 8 am to 2 pm.
  • Required medical equipment and facilities are available.
  • They are managed and operated by a proper health care system.
  • Much help for pregnant ladies, as it reduces traveling time.
  • Provides time to doctors at tertiary care centers to focus on complex cases or surgeries.
  • Along with medical treatment, it also provides dental treatment to the needy.

As a curse

  • People living around states that only accessibility is the benefit.
  • Long waiting because of more footfall of patients.
  • The doctor gives less than a minute to a patient due to more patients.
  • Don’t provide HIV testing.
  • Staff present their made patients visit clinics much frequently.
  • Still lagging in maintaining medical records digitally.
  • The essential medicine list is very short.
  • Vaccinations are available.
  • Antenatal can’t be given in the clinics.
  • No rehabilitation centers.
  • No family planning methods are advised.
  • No education or awareness are provided.
  • Aadhar cards to avail the services at the clinics are also a hindrance in achieving universal healthcare. 

Apart from this criticism by the public as well as many political parties, these clinics are considered as the biggest step towards achieving equitable and accessible healthcare. Delhi government has taken this fantastic initiative, which is giving small results but eventually, it will transform healthcare if they achieve the target of establishing 1000 clinics in the city. People are giving attention to their health due to these clinics as they are accessible to them, which saves both their time and money. They are designed from patient’s or people’s perspectives only, not from the provider’s perspectives.

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