What is Economic Inequality? The Overview

Keeping economic inequality in check is an uphill battle. Unfortunately, economic inequality has happened in history and is still prevalent today. The richest people and countries are only growing wealthier and the poorest people and countries are growing poorer and poorer every day. 

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Social Media: Ethics and Privacy

One’s digital footprint can make or breach someone. Unethical behaviour and interactions on social media can have far-reaching implications professionally, socially, physically and virtually.

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Why Is There A Stark Hike In Petrol Price?

Indians are now paying 3 digit figures per liter for fuel. Fuel prices have changed by 30% over the last year

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Patent Infringement | Doctrines of Equivalents and Colorable Variation

Patent Infringement is referred to as the commission of a violation of a patent owner’s act without his/her consent.

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Child Marriages – Efficacy of Prohibition in India

The article seeks to provide analysis on the Prohibition laws to restrain child marriages in India, as to how far the legislative laws in India, have been successful in achieving the desired goals.

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Ragging Origin and Growth

Ragging is a sort of an immoral activity which has widely spread its wings in educational institutions. It has given birth to enmity amongst students.

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Mental wellbeing

We are today earning in six-seven digits and can afford to set up a gym for maintaining physical wellbeing, but what about our deteriorating mental wellbeing?

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Ethical hacking and its legal position in India

Ethical hacking and its legal position in India

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International Refugee Law | The Basics

International Refugee Law | The Basics

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Trade Secret And Layout And Design Protection Of Integrated Circuits

Trade Secret And Layout And Design Protection Of Integrated Circuits

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