Life Sustaining Treatment – An Overview

Life Sustaining Treatment is any treatment that serves to prolong life without reversing the underlying medical condition. Examples of this are CPR

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Position of India in International Trade

International trade plays a vital role in the Indian economy. As the country needs to import diverse products, international trade is……

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Object Oriented Programming | What Is OOPS In Java?

Author: Zeba Ali What is object-oriented programming? Object Oriented Programming is a methodology or paradigm in Java to design a program using class and object. It simplifies software development and maintenance by providing concept such […]

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What is Minimum Spanning Tree? | Algorithms

minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree which has minimum total cost. A spanning tree is a sub graph that is a tree and joined all vertices.

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Pseudo-Feminism: A Potential Decimation of Men

topic that has gathered fuel in recent past years. In essence, feminism means an equal status and dignity to the women community in society.

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Her – Creative Writing : Poem

Written By: Darshika Saxena I am a girl who is born in the generation  Where Durga, Kali and Saraswati’s hymns are sung in the nation.  But when the same ‘kali’ is born, she is abhorred […]

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Emerging Trends in Constitutional Economics in India and its place in the Global Scenario

As “The Economics of Constitutionalism: Principles and Practice” course by CLS comes to a successful conclusion, a panel discussion with some of our eminent course instructors will be held on 6th February from 3p.m. to 5p.m. The theme of the discussion is “Emerging trends in Constitutional Economics in India and its Place in the Global Scenario”. 

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Are Ebooks better than Printed Books?

Ebooks are rapidly evolving. They not only defy time being ageless but are also cost-efficient and user-friendly.

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Emerging Champions: Take a minute and smile today

Emerging Champions: Take a minute and smile today

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The Generation Gap: All of us owe it

Do your bit, not only respect elders; welcome them in your lives gratefully, support them in what they wish to do; make them aware and help whenever you can. Try to make this world a better place for our elderly because if there is a heaven. You’d be welcomed there greatly! Remember, we need generations, not generation gaps! 

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