Dignification of, by and for Money

Money, commonly used to refer to a medium of exchange, a measure of value or a means of payment [2], is ironically as deep as it is shallow. After all, it was only paper at one point of time. The overnight stardom money gained would have stunned paper itself if only it knew of what the future beheld.

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Why I Connect With These Quotes

Two of the many interesting and relatable quotes which I encountered while reading various books and online sources.

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The Relationship Between Bullying and Development

School bullying affects the victims, bullies and bystanders negatively. It affects their academic, social, emotional, mental, and psychological functioning as well as physical health. Psychological and physical problems arising from bullying may extend well into adulthood.

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Isolation and Loneliness due to Pandemic: Issues and Cure

Quarantine and social separation are important measures to prevent the transmission of the virus. Which can lead to increased loneliness and social isolation that have a consequential effect on physical and mental health.

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Now I Know: Poem

Through this poem, I’ve tried to depict the state of mind of a girl who is constantly fighting battles with the outside world for her rights, and now she’s done. She has learnt enough lessons and is ready to  rise above all.  

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Studying the Public Health Ethics: Functions and Principles

Public Health Ethics involves the systematic process of clarifying, prioritising and justifying possible courses of public health action. It is based on ethical principles, values and stakeholder beliefs in congregation with scientific and other beliefs. The study of public health ethics is devoted to understanding and clarifying the principles and ethical connotations of public health actions.

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Depression and Suicides: Cause, Symptoms & Cure

Depression in relation to its link with suicide is especially significant with mental illnesses. One must need to understand that all depression patients don’t need a clinic treatment. Early detection of depression has a great impact on the treatment process with a strong probability of avoiding suicide.

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Sports Psychology : A branch of Psychology

Sports psychology, an important branch of psychology that is developing rapidly, especially in recent times. It is the study of the influence of psychological factors on sports, athletic performance, exercise and physical activity.

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Virtual Reality and Human Understanding

Virtual Reality simply means experiencing things through our computer that don’t really exist. It is termed as a 3D computer generated environment which a person can explore and interacted with both physically and mentally.

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What is a trademark in Intellectual Property Rights?

A Trademark is a mark that creates the identity of a business. This mark may be a word, phrase (group of words), symbol or a design.

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