An Overview about Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is when the cells of the cervix grow abnormally. It is metastatic in nature. Cervix is a part of the female reproductive system. It is present in the lowest part of the womb that connects the uterus (also called the womb) to the vagina. Cervix is made of two parts namely endocervix which is lined by glandular cells and exocervix which is also known as ectocervix that is lined by squamous cells.

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Creative Writing Competition : Submit by 25th December

EduMound brings to you ‘अक्षर’, its Ist Creative Writing & Blog Writing Competition wherein submissions are invited from students, research scholars, academicians and professionals, across the globe. ‘अक्षर’ is an opportunity to win a pan India level competition with your creative literary composition along with enhancing your resume with a publication with EduMound. 

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Increasing Risk of Tooth Decay in Diabetic Patients

Diabetes symptoms can manifest in the mouth, paying attention to your dental health might help you be diagnosed and treated sooner. Because the earliest signs and symptoms of diabetes can manifest in the mouth, paying attention to your dental health might help you be diagnosed and treated sooner. Patients with type 2 diabetes are more prone to tooth decay. Medical specialists have proposed several plausible explanations for the relationship between the two illnesses. Tooth decay is caused by plaque bacteria interacting with carbohydrates in the mouth. Diabetics are more susceptible to periodontal infections due to their elevated blood sugar levels.

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Western Domination v/s Rising Asian Wave | 21st Century Conflict

One potential is that China would progressively dominate regional institutions, reduce American influence, and the key function of the bilateral security pacts led by the United States. This may happen if regional bodies, excluding the United States, develop as serious regional bodies. This is not a probable result. In East Asian regionalism, America’s allies are unlikely to tolerate this development. An increasing plurality of regional groups and associations is more likely to evolve in East Asian regionalism. This multi-layered regionalism already characterizes the area. This multi-layered regionalism already characterizes the region. There is no one regional organization. 

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Employment generation for youth in the Tourism Sector

In the current scenario, the tourism sector has a broad scope because tourism is regarded as an important indicator of growth that is inclusive. One of the important features of tourism is that it generates employment indirectly or directly. In our country, India industries of tourism contributed around 7.5 percent towards employment. The tourism sector is important because it gives immense opportunities for youth and it also eradicates poverty by creating income and employment opportunities for those who are marginalized and less empowered groups of our country. In my opinion, tourism has become an important sector in reducing and combating unemployment in India. It is considered a labor-intensive industry.

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Bioterrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Bioterrorism is defined as “the intentional use of microorganisms like infectious substance, virus or any biological product that may be engineered as a result of biotechnology or any naturally occurring or bioengineered component of any such organism, virus, infectious substance or biological product, to cause death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism in order to influence the conduct of government or to intimidate or coerce a civilian population.

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Managing Your Finances | Earning Money

In this article I will tell you how you can step out of this queue and still be able to reach where people just by standing in line can’t reach. If you want to achieve financial independence this article is for you. So let’s pledge together that in whatever age, situation we are, we will achieve financial independence 10 years from now. I believe money can be grown on trees but the only thing is that you need that eye who can identify those branches which are capable of growing money.

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Debate Tournament – The Open Scissors : MERIT HOLDER

ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION EduMound is a start-up platform established for young minds aspiring to contribute their skills and knowledge for the growth of the educational fraternity. We aim at empowering students who are seeking opportunities […]

Study on Organizational Culture and its Impact on Employee Behaviour

The impact of organizational culture can be seen in every employee in the organization at every level, it not only stimulates the professional growth of employees but also enhances their personal growth. It teaches them the importance of high cultural values that every person must incorporate within themselves and their organization.

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PM urges to stop misleading Ads on Cryptocurrencies: Government

PM urges to stop misleading ads on cryptocurrency as it is important for the youth, claiming because of over-promise and non-transparent advertising. The meeting concluded with a comprehensive and consultative process between the RBI and the Home Ministries. RBI governor, Shaktikanta Das cautioned investors against cryptocurrencies. The Supreme Court has lifted the ban on the trading of cryptocurrencies imposed by the central bank, the RBI continues to have concerns. Finally, the result of the meeting has reached a consensus that the steps taken in the field of cryptocurrency and issues related will be looked at proactively on a priority basis.

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