Social Media – A Reality or Illusion?

Social media creates a picture-perfect image which everyone wants to see. However, the reality is far different from what is being portrayed. Even though we like, share and comment on the photos posted by our friends and colleagues, however from the inside we tend to feel jealous and envious of them.

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Tribal Women : Path of Darkness in Illusion of Light

The tribal people are the most vulnerable as they belong to the backward societies that are not privileged with amenities and knowledge. They usually are needy and fly into urban areas by entrusting the traffickers. Women are the special targets, and this is leading to a major portion of Human Trafficking. The exploitation of women is beyond imagination.

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Education only a dream by Marginalized Students during Covid-19

In today’s world, India presents a grave irony by on one hand, making its way to proudly befit the title of ‘IT Superpower’ and on the other hand, presenting rising cases of marginalized students’ dearth of access to online learning and subsequently, the spiraling down of literacy rates.

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Exploratory Analysis of Artistic Freedom and Restrictions on Free Speech

There is no uniform application of a strict standard of morality in adjudicating on artistic freedom. This is a more reactive approach, where the tendency of the courts is to wait for the damage to occur and then keep adding and subtracting to the principles of morality so as to suit the situation in hand. 

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Queens of 21st Century : Over the Top (OTT) Platforms

This Article deals with the subject matter “Over-the-top (OTT) platforms”.  The craze of OTT is seen among the youngsters indulging with new adventures, stories. The best part of the OTT is its accessibility and subscription-based service. International-level content can be accessed from anywhere around the world at one click.

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Tourism Sector post COVID-19 : A Road to Revival

Tourism was the sector that came at the top which was deeply impacted by the pandemic. The whole  nation went under complete lockdown and the tourism economy adversely affected  with the unprecedented effects of jobs and businesses.

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Media in Conflict Zones | Journalism

Journalism does not require justification to exist. Its contribution to society is sufficient  justification. Media can not only help to disseminate information, but it can also help to combat hate speech and create an environment of balanced opinions, or information  equilibrium.

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Non-Fungible Tokens : Next big Thing or another random Trend?

The Non-Fungible Tokens (“NFT”) is a contemporary product that owes its creation to blockchain technology. To fully comprehend NFT, one must first comprehend the distinction between fungible and non-fungible assets.

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OTT Platform – Need for Self-Regulation

Should these internet streaming services enjoy unlimited freedom over the content they curate or steer a centre course and work under set rules? Do the OTT platforms really need to be regulated or restricted or will these rules/guidelines smoothen the edge of creativity?

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Reasonable Restrictions on Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is an inalienable right of a person which he has from his birth till death, and without that he will be nothing more than just a slave. AUTHOR: Mohit Kesharwani and Ayush […]

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