Hesitancy for the vaccine in the Covid Era

If this hesitancy remains high due to the above reasons, it will be a critical situation for the nation or the world as it will lead to less coverage which further leads to disease outbreaks. It is a great threat to global health. Hesitancy to the vaccine is contagious, misinformed, misinformed, and not limited to COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Vaccine | Vaccination Drive in India

India is the largest buyer of COVID-19 vaccine in the globe with 1.6 billion doses. According to a global analysis, a number some scientists say could ‘cover 800 million people, or 60% of its population, and will be enough to spread herd immunity.

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Role of Women in Global Health – Increasing Leadership

All around the globe, women face premature death, beats the disease burden due to gender inequalities, this reflects the discrimination to nutrition, education, and health. Women, being the pillar of society, stand round the clock improving the health condition of their families and communities around the globe.

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Use of Mobile Technology for Public Health Education Programs | mHealth

Innovation and the spread of mobile technologies to address the priorities of health, has launched a new term called mHealth. mHealth is one of the components of eHealth. According to GOe (Global Observatory for eHealth), mHealth is defined as medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices, for example mobile phones, PDAs (personal digital assistants), patient monitoring devices, and other wireless devices.

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Hallyu Wave | What is the third Korean Wave?

The Korean wave or Hallyu is a term that is spreading through countries like wildfire. Hallyu is a portmanteau of the words: han meaning “Korean” and ryu meaning “wave”, which refers to this exact spread of the Korean culture across the globe. At first, the Korean wave started to enter households through K-dramas and K-pop across East, South, and Southeast Asia.

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Nano Biotechnology – NanoParticles : An Overview | A new Approach

Nanobiotechnology is a multidisciplinary field of study that includes biology, medicine and molecular engineering. 1 billion of metre or 10⁻⁹ is denoted by the term “nano”. Professor Norio Taniguichi of Tokyo science university created the term “ Nanotechnology “ in 1974 to characterizes the precision fabrication of materials at nanoscale.

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Pros & Cons of the Shipping Culture in K-Pop | Most popular Ships

Korean pop or (hereinafter referred to as) K-pop is becoming one of the most talked-about things in the world right now. With the scene of music constantly shifting and adapting to new listeners and music lovers, K-pop is now a passion breathed in by its fans like oxygen.

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Tuberculosis – Factors, Treatment and Diagnosis

Tuberculosis has afflicted humanity for thousands of years all over the world. Every year on March 24, World Tuberculosis Day commemorates Dr. Robert Koch’s announcement that Mycobacterium tuberculosis was the cause of tuberculosis on March 24, 1882.

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Parent’s knowledge and Child-caring strategies in Indian Slum Areas

The gap between parent’s knowledge and practice of child-caring strategies in Indian slum areas. Parenting refers to the process of raising a kid which has multiple tasks and behaviors that incorporate a direct impact on child outcomes.

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Climate Change in India – Growing Threat to India

Climate refers to the long-term regional or global average of temperature, humidity, and rainfall patterns over seasons, years, or decades. Climate change is the worldwide phenomenon of climate transformation characterized by the changes in the usual climate of the planet (regarding temperature, precipitation, and wind) that are especially caused by human activities.

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