The Art of Getting What You Want – Advice? Nah! Tip? Yes!

Les Brown once quoted “You don’t have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great”!

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Certificate Course on Bail – LeDroit

ABOUT THE COURSE  The present course aims at providing all the knowledge about Bail and the procedure related to it. In Law school, one gets to learn an overview about Bail as an important topic […]

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Certificate Course on Methodologies of Legal Research – LeDroit

LeDroit have created the course on Methodologies of Legal Research to enlighten every young aspirant or advocate with the types, process and methods of researching. Legal Research is a skill that is demanded in every […]

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What All Has Changed After Changing The Company Law

12th September, 2013 new Company Law came into force. Which became the inception of the new era of how our companies are going to be governed.
But what all has changed which will indemnify the interest of stakeholders?

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INKED – 1st Article Writing Competition

Edumound brings to you “INKED”, its 1st Article Writing Competition wherein submissions are invited from students, research scholars, academicians and professionals, across the globe. Inked is an opportunity to win exciting cash prizes along with enhancing your resume with a publication with Edumound.

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Foods Named after Places they don’t Originate From

Author : Hemalatha Foods named after places they don’t originate From BIZARRE FOODS! There are tons of foods and drinks named after locations, often where they were first invented. Whenever we  find a thing named […]

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Boys Locker Room: A blend of racism and manifested misanthrope?

“Just pass by it,” “Avoid things,” “It is usual, don’t make a fuss out of it!”, “You must be more cautious and alert,” and obviously “Men will be Men” description. Those are some of the speeches and advises that a societal norm teaches a woman.

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